
Wills, trusts and estates for union members

The only way to ensure that the people you want benefit from your estate after your death is to write a legally enforceable will. Our expert team can advise on all areas of wills, trusts and estates to help avoid what might otherwise be complicated and sometimes unpleasant circumstances for those your care about after your death

Mother and child at window

Wills, trusts and estates for union members

Moscow-Mfc lawyers are specialists union wills, trusts, and estate lawyers with the experience and approach you need. Call us now on 0330 041 5869 or contact us and we’ll call you.

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What wills, trusts and estates advice can I get access to through my union membership?

Writing a legally enforceable will ensures that the people you choose will be safeguarded, and benefit from your estate, after your death. Our expert team can advise on all areas of wills, trusts and estates to help avoid what might otherwise be complicated, and sometimes unpleasant, circumstances for those your care about after your death.

Many people put off making a will or fail to make one, which means on their death the rules of intestacy will apply. This can potentially leave loved ones without any provisions from the estate and see your assets distributed to distant family members.

This can be easily avoided by writing a legal, enforceable will to ensure that the people you choose will benefit from your estate after your death. Our dedicated team of lawyers are experts in all areas of wills, trust and estates and will take the time to understand your needs and suggest innovative ways to protect your assets.

What wills, trusts and estates advice can I access?

Our experience team are able to advise in all area of wills, trusts and estates including:

Speak to our dedicated team today about how we can help and assist with your wills, trust and estates requirements. Call us on 0330 041 5869 or contact us and we’ll call you.

How do I access the free online will with my union membership?

Union members can access EPOQ’s online document creation service to prepare a simple will, free of charge. The online service is extremely easy to use, with on-screen questions guiding you to insert your wishes and allow you to complete your will at your fingertips, free of charge. Once completed, print the will and follow the instructions to get your will signed and witnessed, then store it safely at home. It takes approximately 30 minutes to complete and you can stop at any point and complete at a later date if you wish.

If you choose this option, it is important to note that your will won’t be reviewed by one of our legal experts and you will not receive tailored legal advice to ensure that what you have written encompasses all of your individual needs and circumstances..

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